Return address | Nijverdalsestraat 86, 7642 AH Wierden |
For questions we can be reached via Mention the order number, for example 'Return #ORD-1001'.
You can return your item in the packaging we sent. You can choose a Postnl point to return your package.
When you return part of an order, the costs & shipping risks are for your own account. When you return the order in full, you will receive the full purchase price including shipping costs (excluding return costs). The shipping risks are also for the customer with a full return. We therefore recommend that you send your package with a track & trace code.
Sale items cannot be returned.
Returns are processed once a week and you will receive a notification from us when your return has been processed and you will receive the purchase amount back within a maximum of 14 working days.
A return form must be enclosed with every return. Only returns with a fully completed return form will be processed. You will find your return form enclosed with your order.
At the moment our returns portal is out of order. It is not possible to download your return form. If there is no return form in your package, we ask you to add a note with your name, order number & reasons for return.
You have 14 days to return the product without stating reasons, starting on the day of receipt of the item. The item can only be returned unused and, if possible, in original packaging with original hangtag.
- Returns are only accepted within the return period of 14 days.
- The items have not been worn and/or washed.
- There are no food stains, makeup stains, body odors and/or cigarette odors on the items.
- No attempt was made to fix a defect.
- Jewelry and lingerie cannot be returned for hygienic reasons.
- The original hangtag is still attached to the item.
- If reasonably possible, the item will be returned in its original packaging.
- The shipping risk of the return is for the buyer. We recommend that you use
- Insufficient or unstamped returns are not accepted by us.
- Product and/or delivery errors must be reported to us with description within 14 days after delivery.
- If our exchange and return conditions are not met, we reserve the right to return the shipment and charge you the shipping costs.
Do you want to return an item? We think that's a shame, of course, but that's no problem at all.
- Indicate on the return form which item(s) you are returning and state the reason for return.
- Put the item to be returned, together with the return form, in the original packaging.
- Register your return at a PostNL delivery point and keep the proof of shipment. You can find the nearest PostNL location at
- You will receive a confirmation by e-mail when your return has been processed. You will receive the purchase amount back on your account within 14 days.